The Battle for Public Land

Trace Tega
4 min readApr 30, 2021


Being a citizen in America entitles you to a lot of great things, and the public land system may be the best resource available to American citizens. Public Land is a very unique and important part of the American experience. It is essential to telling the American story and is a vital part of our ecosystem and tourism economy. Since the sagebrush rebellion in the 1970’s politicians have been trying to get citizens to forfeit their rights to public land to be sold off. On one side of the isle a group of politicians(Almost completely republican) who believe we should sell off public land to logging, mining, oil… companies for profit, energy, and resources for America’s citizens at the cost of the environment. On the other side of the isle there is another group of politicians and environmentalists(A mix of democrats and republicans) who are focused on conserving and protecting public lands in order to protect the environment and preserve our amazing public lands for the next generation of American citizens to experience.

American River Coloma, CA
Burney Falls Burney, CA
Eel River Scotia, CA
Eel River Scotia, CA
Firehole River Yellowstone, WY

I firmly believe that it is better for America to preserve our natural resources and public land for the next generations. We should not continue to sell off public land in order to continue our reliance on fossil fuels and other unsustainable resources. We only have one chance to protect our Public Lands because once they are gone they are gone forever.

Fairly Falls Yellowstone, WY
Pit River Burney, CA
Torrey Lake Dubois, WY
Yellowstone River Yellowstone, WY
Jackson Lake Moran, WY
Yellowstone, WY

Public Lands should continue to be wild and free to all so that the coming generations can experience, respect and grow their love of nature just as I have been able to and as all those who fought for Public Lands before me.

Politicians should not be allowed to sell off Public Land for many reasons. One of the most blaring is that the Politicians trying to sell off Public Land receive huge campaign donations from the companies who want to use Public Lands for their own means. This shows that these politicians are simply not concerned with the well being and longevity of America and its citizens they are only concerned with growing their power and money by the bidding of some truly evil corporations. We need to use our rights and voices as citizens to prevent the molestation of our Public Lands.

Pyramid Lake Nixon, NV
Tahoe, CA
Fall River Fall River Mills, CA
Pacific Creek Moran, WY

In conclusion Public lands are a key part of understanding and experiencing the American experiment. We are one of the few countries in history to have a true Public Lands system especially one as large and beautiful as ours. I firmly believe as an American citizen concerned for America’s we should not sell it off in a fleeting attempt to fuel our country on unsustainable resources. It is our duty as American citizens to use our inherent rights and voices to show that we want wild and free Public Lands not more mines and ravaged land. We should do everything we can to make sure the coming generations of Americans have the opportunity to experience the amazing Public Lands of America in a conditions just as if not more pristine as we have today.

